Mobile Massage
Pain, Tired Muscles, Weary Energy, Stress....Your Body Wants & Needs Balance...
Sciatica Issues, Frozen Shoulder, Muscles Spasms, OverWorked Erectors, Energy Deficit..or if you just want to treat yourself to a spa massage in your home...I bring the relaxation to you..
Modalities like Swedish, Accupressure, Shiatsu, Prenatal... Treatments like Body Wraps, Hot Stone Massage or AromaTherapy are available..I bring the relaxation experience to your home or business...
I've been told I have Magic Fingers, Intuition for body issues, and an Excellent Knowledge of the Anatomy due to my Advanced NeuroMuscular Training at National Holistic Institute.....
I can customize the perfect BodyWork session for you, and I specialize in balancing the energy of your body with my Magical Touch....Call 1-888-496-6133
for more information.....I look forward to helping you find Energy Body Balance.
Our Philosophy
Massage With A Heart....Intuition with an Excellent Knowledge of Anatomy is an unbeatable combination.... I also perform Trigger Point Therapy with Deep Tissue or light relaxation modalities like Swedish...you will be relaxed, refreshed, and have Better Range of Motion....